BS5837 for Developers

BS 5837:2005 gives recommendations and guidance on the principles to be applied to achieve a satisfactory juxtaposition of trees, including shrubs, hedges and hedgerows, with new structures. It follows, in sequence, the stages of planning and implementing the provisions which are essential to allow development to be integrated with trees. This standard recognizes that there can be problems with development close to existing trees which are to be retained, and of planting trees close to existing structures.

BS 5837 sets out to assist those concerned with trees in relation to construction to form balanced judgments. It does not set out to put arguments for or against development, or for the removal or retention of trees. Where development, including demolition, is to occur, the standard provides guidance on how to decide which trees are appropriate for retention, on the means of protecting these trees during development, including demolition and construction work, and on the means of incorporating trees into the developed landscape. Most Local Planning authorities require a BS 5837 tree survey prior to validation of the planning application.

Peter Scott Tree surveys can be carried out in accordance with BS5837:2005.

In addition Peter Scott can provide arboricultural Implication assessments in report and plan form to the following specification as set out in BS5837:

  • Assessment of proposed development proximity and anticipated arboricultural implications
  • Design change advice
  • Tree Constraints Plan (TCP) detailing protective fence distances and advice relating to suitable land use for protected areas
  • Tree Protection Plans (TPP)
  • Assessment of special surfacing requirements
  • Assessment of supervisory requirements
  • Draft Construction method statement including methods of protection, timing of works and communication